The Vault

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Welcome to Argen’s Vault, the darkest and sometimes most twisted place on the web. Looking for something a little different? A little darker, a little sweeter, a little bit more romance? You never know what you’ll find in Argen’s Vault.

What is Argen’s Vault?

Argen’s Vault is a combination of Nicola/Argen’s regular newsletter and story database. Each month, the author posts new chapters to several on-going serial web novels and short stories.

Why Subscribe to Argen’s Vault?

So why subscribe to Argen’s Vault? If you want to read the latest short stories and serial web novels written by Argen Kade, subscribe to Argen’s Vault to gain full access to not only the newsletter, but never-before published serial web novels, shorts, and more. You’ll not only get novels and shorts for the moniker Argen Kade, but you will also receive news updates and well as short stories written by the Paranormal Princess, Nicola C. Matthews.

Looking to connect with other readers from Argen’s Vault? Be sure to join the chat function once subscribed to enjoy access to all the community chats.

What is a serial web novel? Much like how Kindle Vella works, a serial web novel is an on-going novel written in episode form and posted one chapter at a time. But unlike Kindle Vella, you don’t have to pay for each new chapter. By subscribing to Argen’s Vault, you will gain access to every new chapter, short story, and newsletter posted by Argen, as well as full access to all archived chapters and stories.

**Note: Subscribing to The Supernatural World of Nicola C. Matthews will not grant you access to Argen’s Vault. You must subscribe to Argen’s Vault separately to receive all short stories and serial web novel posts under the Argen Kade moniker.

Join the Supernatural World of Nicola C. Matthews

You may wonder why it’s a good idea to sign up for the Supernatural World of Nicola C. Matthews. Well, for starters, it means you get all your information and announcements conveniently sent direct to your inbox. New book release? You’ll be the first to know. Free stories posted over on Nicola’s blog? No problem. Updates, news, and behind-the-scenes information and other goodies? Yep, you’ll get those, too.

But Nikki, what about social media? Let’s face it. You can follow Nicola on Facebook, but thanks to corporate America valuing money over the happiness of its users, chances are slim you’ll see an important post on Crackbook before you would if you were subscribed to the newsletter. So just skip the middle man and get all your updates in one place, from the main source, all without resorting to Social Stalking of your favorite author!